TRI SPORTS, featured in The Downtowner

TRI SPORTS, featured ON NBC 17
TRI SPORTS, featured in The Cary News

TRI SPORTS, featured in The business journal

BIZ: Sports Club Hopes its Social Mixers Find an Audience
Hey, yuppies. Y'all looking for a sporting social club? Biz has what you need. TRI Sports has been formed, offering co-ed sports leagues, tournaments, extreme sports trips, weekend getaways, golf tournaments and parties.
The club will launch its doings with a volleyball tournament and kickoff party on Saturday, July 28 an all-day affair that'll cost you 28 buckaroos if you're not a member; 21 if you are.
Club President Danny Lefebvre hails from Durham's Fusion Ventures, the troubled business incubator. There, he dealt with marketing, research and due diligence, but he also played a role in organizing Fusion's deck party mixers. Lefebvre, who has been in the Triangle about four years, says TRI Sports grew out of talk about how hard it can be to meet new people outside of work.